You have just finished writing your book. It’s done, it’s ready to go, but where do you start? How can you get your book noticed? You need to get your book out there and into the hands of people who will read it. There are many ways to do this, but first let’s look at what you need to know about book marketing.

1) Your book needs to be formatted correctly. A book needs to be printed in a specific way. The most common mistake that authors make when they write their books is not formatting them properly. Many times they write a manuscript, but don’t format it properly. If you’re going to publish your book you need to format it properly. This is the single most important thing you can do for your book. Formatting your book is not difficult and can be done by anyone with a little knowledge of Microsoft Word.

2) You need to know how to market your book. Marketing your book is very important. There are many ways to market your book. Some are free, some cost money, but all of them require work. The more effort you put into marketing your book, the more success you’ll have.

3) You need to understand the power of social media. Social media is an incredible tool that will help you market your book. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites are powerful tools that can help you reach a larger audience than you could ever imagine. You can use these sites to share your book with your friends and family, or you can use them to sell your book.

4) You need to learn about SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool that will help you get your book found online. By using SEO techniques you can increase your visibility online.

5) You need to learn about article marketing. Article marketing is another powerful way to market your book. You can write articles about your book and submit them to article directories like and These articles will be published on these sites and then distributed throughout the internet.

6) You need to learn about blogging. Blogging is a great way to promote your book. If you blog regularly, people will come to know and trust you. They will know that you’re an expert in your field and they will want to read what you have to say.

7) You need to learn about email marketing. Email marketing is another powerful way to promote your book. You can send out emails to your list of subscribers. These emails can contain links to your book or you can simply promote your book within the email itself.

8) You need to learn about book signings. Book signings are a great way to meet people face to face and to promote your book. You should attend as many book signings as you can. If you don’t have time to attend book signings, you should at least schedule one.

9) You need to learn about networking. Networking is another important part of book marketing. You can join groups on or and you can network with other authors and publishers.

10) You need to learn about writing press releases. Press releases are another powerful tool that you can use to promote your book. You need to learn how to write a press release. You can learn how to write a press releases by doing a search online.


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